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Visit the talk of Peter Leškovský on Friday, June 3rd, 11:30 am and our posters on Wednesday (P004), Thursday (P110) and Friday (P105) @ the European Worm Meeting in Berlin.


December 4th · The Si elegans consortium presents its recent results and project highlights during the second period review meeting with the Commission and three invited experts in Brussels, Belgium.

November 16th · With 5 talks, the Symposium on Neuro-Bio-Inspired Computation and Architectures (NeBICA 2015) at the Neurotechnix 2015, provided a great forum for learning more about the Si elegans project, its goals and the peer-participation opportunities.

July 12th · The Si elegans tutorial on July 12th 2015 at the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks in Killarney, Ireland, attracted 20 participants and was awarded a US$200 recognition.

February 7th-12th · The Si elegans connectome concepts were presented at the Emerging Digital Micromirror Device Based Systems and Applications VII session of the SPIE Photonics West in San Francisco, USA.

February 2nd · The NTU tender on the Si elegans FPGA boards has reached its final stage. The winner is Accutron Ltd. in Limerick, Ireland.



November 25th-26th · The consortium presented the individual project workpackages at the special session on Neuro-Bio-Inspired Computation and Architectures (NeBICA) of the 2nd International Congress of Neurotechnology, Electronics and Informatics (NEUROTECHNIX) in Rome, Italy.

Neurotechnix 2014 - NeBICA session

The picture shows (left to right, bottom row) Gorka Epelde, Andoni Mujika, Brian Mc Ginley, Finn Krewer, John Wade, (left to right, top row) Axel Blau, Alexey Petrushin, Pedro Machado, Aedan Coffey, Martin McGinnity, Lorenzo Ferrara. Not shown, but present were Fearghal Morgan and Frank Callaly.

November 24th · IIT hosted the bi-annual partner meeting at its administrative headquarters in Rome, Italy.

July 30th-Augus 1st · The Italian Si elegans team presented the project at the 3rd Conference on Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems (Living Machines) in Milan, Italy.

July 5th-9th · The project was presented at the 9th Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) forum in Milan, Italy.

May 28th · The consortium presented its first year results at the Brussels 1st-year review meeting and passed with flying colors. 


November 19th-23rd · The Si elegans consortium presented the project at the annual Society for Neuroscience (SfN) meeting in San Diego, USA.

November 27th-28th · Vicomtech hosted the first regular partner status-quo meeting in San Sebastián, Spain. 

2013-11-28 San Sebastiàn 1

The picture shows (left to right) Robin Gautier, Alessandro De Mauro, Axel Blau, Aedan Coffey, Andoni Mujika, Pedro Baptista Machado, Martin McGinnity, Gorka Epelde, Fearghal Morgan, Frank Callaly, Finn Krewer and Seamus Cawley.

November 18th-21st · Ad-hoc slide presentation on the Si elegans project at the special session on recently funded EU FET projects at the 1st International Congress of Neurotechnology, Electronics and Informatics (NEUROTECHNIX) in Vilamoura, Portugal.

April 22nd-23rd · The Si elegans project took off at the kick-off meeting at the central research labs of IIT in Genoa, Italy. 

The picture shows (left to right) Martin McGinnity, Fearghal Morgan, Alessandro De Mauro, Gorka Epelde, Grégory Maclair, Axel Blau and Rouhollah Habibey at the main entrance of IIT. Asiyeh Golabchi, Vijayakumar Rajamanickam and IIT's projects team are not on the picture.

April 2013 · The Si elegans consortium posted five postdoctoral postitions and one PhD scholarship.

The Si elegans project started on April 1st 2013. (This is not a Fools' Day joke.)